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Customize the mongosh Prompt

On this page

  • Display Line Numbers
  • Display Database and Hostname
  • Display System Up Time and Document Count

By default the mongosh prompt includes the current database name. You can modify the prompt variable to display custom strings or to return dynamic information about your mongosh session.

Custom prompts are not stored when you exit mongosh. To have a custom prompt persist through restarts, add the code for your custom prompt to .mongoshrc.js.

To display line numbers in the mongosh prompt, run the following code inside mongosh:

let cmdCount = 1;
prompt = function() {
return (cmdCount++) + "> ";

The prompt will look like this:

1> show collections
2> use test

The current database name is part of the default mongosh prompt. To reformat the prompt to show the database and hostname, use a function like this one:

const hostnameSymbol = Symbol('hostname');
prompt = () => {
if (!db[hostnameSymbol])
db[hostnameSymbol] = db.serverStatus().host;
return `${db.getName()}@${db[hostnameSymbol]}> `;

The prompt will look like this:


To create a prompt that shows the system uptime and a count of documents across all collections in the current database, use a function like this one:

prompt = function() {
return "Uptime:" + db.serverStatus().uptime +
" Documents:" + db.stats().objects +
" > ";
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