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HomeMongoDB Community Advocacy TJ Tang

TJ Tang



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Shenzhen, China

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As a developer, I love MongoDB! One day in 2011 I accidentally walked into a community meetup in San Francisco and met MongoDB, since then I said good-bye to RDBMS and never went back. So much so that I joined MongoDB a couple of years later, and formed probably the world's largest MongoDB community with tens of thousands members. Even that’s not enough - after I left MongoDB in 2019 as a Principal Solutions Architect, I founded Tapdata, a real time DaaS data platform that can automatically and continuously sync data from disparate RDBMS or SaaS systems into a centralized, scalable database(you guessed it, MongoDB), and allow these data to be read by downstream applications or served via code-less RESTful APIs from a single access point. Tapdata’s data mashup technology is a success, in great part due to MongoDB’s flexible schema, that made the multi-source data consolidation task a piece of cake!

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